
Monday 1 April 2024

Birthday Bowling Digital Page


Every month at Kate Hadfield Designs we have a completely free scrapbook template you can download. I have used this page to celebrate my Hubby's birthday bowling outing last year.

Pop over to Kate Hadfield Designs Blog and you will find Photo Bliss in the Free Templates section

At Kate Hadfield Designs there are so many fabulous sets it is really easy to get inspired to use them. There are digital stamps which you can colour, coloured versions you can scrapbook or make into digital layouts. Papers, patterned overlays and doodles galore. No matter what your skill level there are so many goodies to play with.

I have an Apple computer and use a program called Affinity Designer 2 to create my digital projects. I consider myself to be a novice at scrapbooking but the templates really do make it very easy to create some very detailed pages. There are different formats included depending on how your program works. Im my case I use the PNG layer files. I start off by adding the number layers into a single file and then you start adding to or amending each layer one my one.

You start with the base layer and for this I used the painted kraft paper from Red, White 'N Blue. This was a little harsh at 100% and overpowered my image so I reduced the opacity to 80% and this was more subdued. You then add the layer which is the line border around the edge which I changed to be a blue colour.

This page allows you to add a big photo and I thought this one of my hubby playing ten pin bowling for his birthday would be perfect. I re-sized the photo to suit the template and added it to the page along with the shadow layer.

At this stage you simply work through the template layers, changing any colours as required to suit your image. Then the really fun bit starts where you add the elements to help decorate and theme your page.

Kate has designed this really cool kit perfect for this page. Ten Pin Party Doodles has so many elements that are in the photo like the skittles, stars and a red bowling ball. The trophy for the winner, bowl emblem were also added from this kit.

It has got to be about 20 years since we went bowling. We had 3 games and I have to say the first game was a complete washout for both of us.... We called that a practice game.

Paul got a strike, 2nd game we were both very close in scores but he won overall so I was very happy for him especially as it was his birthday.

Over at Kate Hadfield Designs there is lots going on. Kate is really generous with her freebies which are readily available. If you sign up to the newsletter you get access to an extra subscriber area the Doodle Den where there are loads more freebies. There is a gallery full of projects by the Creative Team and customers and so much inspiration for crafters and teachers. I would highly recommend you pop over there and join in the fun.

Digital Page Details -

Digital Template - Photo Bliss (Kate Hadfield Designs)

Digital Paper Red, White ’N Blue (Kate Hadfield Designs)

Digital Images - Ten Pin Party Doodles (Kate Hadfield Designs)

I would like to enter this page into the following challenges (in Alphabetical Order)


  1. Great scrapbook page and love the birthday pic.
    Carol x

  2. Mandy this is a fabulous layout - your husband looks like he's really enjoying himself.
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  3. A fantastic scrapbook page, perfect to celebrate that day and you've played very well with all the images and the layers. Thanks for joining us at A Place To Start. Hugs, María.

  4. That's a great layout Mandy, many thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  5. Great layout, Mandy. Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

    Hugs, Em
    613 Avenue Create DT
    Creative Em my blog
    Creative Em on YouTube my Youtube channel

  6. Beautiful scrapbook page! Great picture of the proud bowler! This layout really makes the photo stand out! Thanks for sharing this with us at Twisted Thursday at The Outlawz!

  7. what a great page and looks like he had a blast thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz

  8. Wonderful page Mandy!!! Is Affinity easy to use? With all digital projects? I have an old version valled Serif, but hesitated to buy the new one. Thanks for playing at The Outlaw ATG in a caardfree zone!!

  9. Another great layout, Mandy! Thank you for sharing this with us at The Outlawz Anything Goes in a Card Free Zone Challenge. ---Shirley

  10. STRIKE! How fun! I love a good digital scrapbook page! Thanks for your entry over at the Crafty Gals Corner Blog! - DT Chris

  11. So fun and perfect layout for bowling man's birhtday. Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.

  12. Your page is great! The composition of your layout is perfect! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to start!
    Chana Malkah


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