
Saturday 17 February 2018

I'm Back !!

Hi everyone,

Long time no contact. Last time I blogged was April 2014 and it has been archived so I had to start a new blog. Not quite sure if/how I can integrate the 2. My techie hubby will have to look into that for me!

A lot has happened in my life since I blogged last. I think I am a different person so maybe the time is right to have a new blog after all....

My hubby and others had been trying to persuade us to move for a long time and I was adamant that I didn't want to move. I had lived there since 2000 and was determined that I didn't want to move. I had moved around a lot as a child and craved the stability of living in the same place and building a home.

I also don't like change and the thought of leaving what I knew absolutely petrified me. I realise now that wasn't particularly healthy but I have a complicated past and it is one of the ways I coped with my life.

I decided that 2015 was the year of not saying no. I stopped being so over cautious and embraced new experiences. I considered all things instead of automatically saying no to something I wasn't sure about. In May of 2015 I literally woke up one morning and said it was time to move! Talk about having a turn in my thinking LOL

That of course presented me with the challenge of needing to put the house on the market and I had a very small craft room overflowing with stuff. No way could we sell the house like that!

I set to sorting out my crafty stuff, boxing it up and putting it into storage. Watching the TV programmes over the years had taught me to make it look clean and inviting and de-clutter. My craft room became a home office making it more marketable. The house went on the market in October, we put an offer into a new house in November and we eventually sold our house in January 2016

End March 2016 we moved and I started decorating. Hubby was working from home 3 days a week and I did his office 1st but it was immediately apparent this would be too small. A good family friend suggested we look at having an extension to enlarge that room and make another bedroom. After a lot  of delays with planning applications the building work started in May 2017

Once I could see my crafty room taking shape it was lovely to be able to plan how I was going to use the space. I am very, very lucky that I have been able to buy the right storage to fit my room and have a purpose built sliding door cupboard that hides so many things.  IKEA Kallax furniture features heavily and it is very much how I planned it to be.

Just after Christmas I was able to finally unpack my boxes and since then I have been organising it all. I have cross stitch stuff, knitting, crochet as well as papercrafts.

I had started to organise my items before I moved following the 4 Section System that is taught by Tiffany Spaulding at Totally-Tiffany. Since I have unpacked I am completely embracing the system and it makes it so easy to find things. 

I am not quite finished yet, it is definitely a work in progress but I am so much happier as my crafty stuff is becoming more organised, easy to find and ultimately more useable.

I am starting to get itchy fingers and wanting to create again. The 1st item I made was a valentines card for my hubby. I will blog that shortly, just need to take a good photo.

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